Lab Services and Diagnostics

  • Saliva Hormone Testing
  • Nutrigenomix (nutritional genetic test based on saliva sample)
  • REBA Energetic Testing
  • Biofeedback Stressor Testing (also known as muscle testing)
  • BioScan SRT

In-House Testing Services

  • REBA Energetic Testing (see energy assessment)
  • Food and Environmental Intolerance Testing (biofeedback analysis)
  • BioScan SRT Wellness System Test (see BioScan SRT under services drop down menu)

How can I be tested for things in my environment which may be stressing my body, like food, air pollution or environmental toxins?

When we think of stresses that the body frequently faces with certain foods, air pollution or environmental toxins we might be inclined to think of seeking the traditional medical approach that uses a "scratch test" or needles in order to determine the source of our symptoms. . However, food and environmental stressor testing is now a viable and interesting option for analyzing things related to either our lifestyle or environment which may challenging our health. . Using a non-invasive and painless method of analysis, called Biofeedback Stressor Testing (also known as muscle testing or applied kinesiology), food or environmental stressors can be quickly identified - even children feel comfortable with it! Biofeedback Stressor Testing is a phenomenal, natural health screening method used to detect foods or things in the environment which stress the body. It uses one’s own muscle strength and the static electricity present in the body to obtain information from the body and determine the energetic level of intolerance to a given stressor. Feedback is instantaneous and environmental or food stressors can be easily identified within minutes.

Allergy Symptom Clearing


Address allergy symptoms with homeopathy – no needles, no drugs.
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Classical or complex homeopathy – safe and gentle treatment for all ages.
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Nutrition and Lifestyle

Nutrition and Lifestyle

Regain equilibrium in your food, your work and your play.
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Nutrition and Lifestyle

Energy Assessment

Test your energy levels with our non-invasive and effective techniques.
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